Friday, April 2, 2010

Yet another update

The on-call RE, Dr. W, called us today and we have two strong embryos; we were hoping for three. Although my clinic will generally only do PGD with at least 6 embryos (because PGD puts a lot of stress on embryos), we are opting to go forward with PGD. We thought long and hard about this and it boils down to trying to avoid another miscarriage. In all honesty, I cannot survive another loss and my husband cannot watch me suffer through another loss. Although PGD does not guarantee I will carry a pregnancy to term, it does increase our chances. After seven miscarriages, I need to know I did everything I could to have a healthy pregnancy. We will call Dr. W tomorrow and let him our decision. I'm hoping with everything I have that our two little fighters will make it through the PGD process.


  1. Oh, man. What a tough spot to be in. You're making a brave decision. I'm on pins and needles for your next update. Grow and thrive, little embies!

  2. Praying the PGD brings you healthy and viable babies. I am anxiously awaiting your next update.

    GL cutie

  3. I am praying for your little embies. ((Hugs))
