Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fert report

Well, they got six eggs, four were mature and 3 fertilized. The doc will call us tomorrow and tell us how many embies we have. If we don't have 3 embies, they will suggest transferring without PGD. I'm not feeling good about that because the whole reason why we want to do PGD is to detect chromosomal abnormalities, which would increase our chances of carrying a pregnancy to term. I know if I can risk ET without PGD; I just don't know if I can survive another miscarriage. So, I really, really hope we have 3 embies tomorrow.

Before I sign off, I want to give a shout-out to the people in my life who are supporting know who you are and I could have never this far without you.

Well, off to enjoy the sunshine and will update tomorrow. Grow embies!

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